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Select Course


If you are trying to boost your current driving skills or you are experiencing difficulties in passing your test then this course is suitable for you to find your mistakes, this will improve your confidence and finally you will be able to pass your test.

Length of Course

2-4 days


If you are facing some minor issues again and again then you need to highlight the issues that you want to improve hopefully this course will help you a lot.

Length of Course

4-6 days


If you have good fundamental controls and you are in the middle of your driving then This course is most suitable for you if you are a truely confident driver and you need to know advanced skills.

Length of Course

1-3 weeks


This course is suitable for novice drivers who know the basics of driving but have a lot of work to do. You will learn everything you need for the test and perfect what you already know.

Length of Course

1-4 weeks


If you know all the fundamentals skills, but still need to remove the L plates, this course is for you. It will help you to clean up the skills you already possess.

Length of Course

1-5 weeks


If you are a new learner who has some skills but need still has a lot to learn, this course is ideal for you. It will increase your experience and add to your skills.

Length of Course

1-6 weeks


If you are a beginner, then this course is for you. You will learn everything you need for your test and enhance your skills.

Length of Course

2-8 weeks

48 Hours


This course is for beginners who want to learn the basics of driving and learn everything they need for the test. Whether that’s over a few days or a few months is up to you.

Length of Course

3-12 weeks


Up to test standard, but need a quick refresher on everything to boost your confidence.

Length of Course

1-2 days

Practical Test Only


Up to test standard, but need a quick refresher on everything to boost your confidence.

Length of Course

1-2 days

By which date do you need to take the driving test?

Where do you want to have your lessons?


Personal Details

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First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Start Date
End Date
Your Course Breakdown
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Only £150 deposit required using PayPal
